Due to Sex In Case Mens / Haid
Dangerous to have sex during menstruation ..? Before you do that you should first think about the risks, impacts and dangers. For more details, see below for an explanation.Having sex during menstruation
according to some experts, sex, sexual intercourse carried out during menstruation can be done. However, from the medical side, having sex while menstruating until now was thought to be one factor contributing to the emergence of a number of conditions, such as endometriosis and infection.
Endometriosis is the growth of cells that exist in the lining of the uterus (endometrium) or elsewhere outside the wall of the uterus. When this happens, the person will feel pain during menstruation (dysmenorrhea).
Many factors that cause endometriosis. One is regurgitation or backflow of menstrual blood from the uterus to the fallopian tubes and into the abdominal wall. Backflow can occur from sexual intercourse during menstruation. In addition, infection can occur in both women and men. In women, the infection usually occurs due to changes in the acidity of the vagina during menstruation. As a result, the ability of the vagina to fight invading bacteria changing.
Once the inflammatory reaction or swelling of the uterine lining during menstruation. It participated facilitate infection process. At the time of menstruation, occurs decay uterine lining and blood came out called menstrual blood. Blood is a good mediation to allow germs or bacteria to grow. In men, mikrobakteri can also infect the urinary tract, prostate, and vas deferens.
Well, see the risk factors that can result from sexual intercourse during menstruation, it is medically advisable it would be nice if you and your partner avoid it. Indeed, factors of infection can be prevented by condoms. However, the process of regurgitation or flow can not be prevented by condoms.
The vagina is usually covered with slime prevention of infection when menstruation is replaced by the flow of menstrual blood to be ejected. Well, that intercourse during that time can affect reproductive health. Sexual intercourse during menstruation can cause menstrual blood flow turned around and cause infection in the pelvic cavity, this condition could then spread to other parts of the body through the blood vessels on the surface rahin open during menstruation.
Some studies have even proven that sexually transmitted infections, such as gonorhea, HIV, and other diseases are also increased in women who have had sexual intercourse while menstruating. As a result of this infection is further possibility of reproductive adhesions so that the function of reproductive organs becomes disturbed, so that the process becomes difficult pregnancy occurs. In addition, earlier reproductive adhesions can also cause severe pelvic pain.
At the time of menstruation, it is advisable for a woman to not have sex. The womb of a woman who is menstruating contains luruhan endometrial lining consisting of blood and endometrial glandular cells. So if women are having sex then there are some risks that may occur.
The first is the risk of infection of the reproductive organs. At the time of menstruation due to blood that helped out, invites germs because germs are enjoying the blood as a medium for their growth. When sexual contact occurs frictions in the vaginal wall that allow the sores or blisters on the vaginal wall.

The second is the risk of endometriosis. At the time of sexual intercourse, especially if you have an orgasm, the contractions of our reproductive organs, including the uterus. The contraction is pushing the menstrual blood into the abdominal cavity through a tube or oviduct us.
Blood containing endometrial cells that have entered into the abdominal cavity or tubal can grow and multiply in the blood and co-produced at the time of the next menstruation. This is called endometriosis. It can reduce our fertility, especially when covering the eggs.
With both of the above risks, it is not advisable for a woman to have sexual intercourse during menstruation.
DANGER WHEN menstrual intercourse allow a woman was coming months to have sex? This condition may be a question for most women who are sexually active. Even when the conditions associated intin this period, also used among certain women not to get pregnant, really like it?
According to obstetricians, that intercourse while menstruating women, not good for couples. Because according to connections made during menstruation highly at risk to health, which is likely to cause infection, endrometriosis, and embolism.
Some sexologists claim that sexual relations during menstruation would be bad for health. Not only in terms of health alone that prohibits couples having sex while menstruation, religion is also prohibited. Even from the standpoint layman this is easily understandable, because menstrual blood is a very popular medium for bacteria to breed.
When the woman's womb menstruation'm contains luruhan endometriium layer consisting of blood and endometrial glandular cells. Meanwhile, when it does not undergo the process of menstruation vaginal mucus smeared prevention of infection. And when the time comes that menstruation is antiseptic lendiri replaced by the flow of menstrual blood that is ready to be issued.
And when women menstruation still have sex, what happens is the risk of infection of the reproductive organs. Blood that helped out, invites germs because germs are enjoying the blood as a medium of growth. In addition to causing menstrual blood flow turning, this condition can lead to risk of infection in the pelvic cavity. It is not possible this condition spreads to other parts of tuuh through the open blood vessels on the surface of the uterus during menstruation.
Sexual activity will usually lead to frictions in the vaginal wall that allow the sores or blisters on the vaginal wall. With the cuts and abrasions are bacteria whose numbers are on the rise at the time of menstruation easy entry to the reproductive organs and cause infections of the reproductive organs which will lead to a variety of complaints including infertility.
Other risks related to the current due to menstruation can cause air embolism. At the time of menstrual blood vessels open, if at that time there was the possibility of intimate relations air to enter, resulting in the fatal can cause death. In fact some studies suggest the possibility of a contagious penyeakit greater. For example, as gonorhea and various other diseases.
a variety of risks above it is not advised to abstain from sex during
menstruation, during menstruation if there is a desire for sexual
activity sebaikinya select a relationship without penetration. For example, the extent of sexual activity with a partner we are making out of course.
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klo menurut islam juga udahh haram hukumnya
iya benar banget, terimakasih udah berkunjung ke blog saya yah.. :D
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